
52:47 Overcoming the Love of This World

Overcoming the Love of This World

Given by Bill Johnson

Today I want to take a look at one area to overcome - LOVE. 1 John 2:15 Do not love the world.We can overcome the Love of the World and must Embrace the Love of God

1:28:01 A Review of End Time Prophecy

A Review of End Time Prophecy

Given by Jim Haeffele

1:13:46 A Profitable Sabbath, Part 2

A Profitable Sabbath, Part 2

Given by Zach Smith

1:17:47 Another Helper, Part 2 - What Does It Mean, Helper?

Another Helper, Part 2 - What Does It Mean, Helper?

Given by David Jackson

It is God's Holy Spirit that helps us to maintain our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ, a relationship that is founded on the love of God, which is the keeping of God's commandments. God’s Holy Spirit is our helper, not a person, but the power of God that has always been made available by God to...

1:01:10 Wheat or Tare - Goat or Sheep

Wheat or Tare - Goat or Sheep

Given by Paul Carter

The Bible uses analogies of things that were common to everyday life, to explain various teachings in God's word. The meaning of these analogies is still valid for us today.

48:51 Investment Potential

Investment Potential

Given by Pat Sinon

49:44 Blessings in Disguise

Blessings in Disguise

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:03:37 Maslow’s Needs vs. Our Need to Dos

Maslow’s Needs vs. Our Need to Dos

Given by Jeff Yost

In 1943 Abraham Maslow published a paper where he described 5 needs that humans have. This message takes a look at these needs and contrasts them with our needs or better put our need to dos.

47:28 Coping With Change

Coping With Change

Given by John Foster

Change is something we all face in life. And for those of us in Church, there is a change we go through for both the minister and congregation when a pastoral transfer takes place. There are some ways we can cope with this, and any change, in a positive way.