
56:23 Walking by Faith

Walking by Faith

Given by Zach Smith

1:19:36 Marriage, Part 2 - What and Why Is Marriage

Marriage, Part 2 - What and Why Is Marriage

Given by David Jackson

Tears, Weeping, and Crying. Malachi is pointing out that the second area of great offense to the institution of marriage occurs when we are before God in prayer. He immediately begins to recognize the emotion that accompanies this institution—and we must be aware of and cautioned regarding emotions that saturate marriage. When marriages fail or are failing, there is...

57:55 Establishing the Foundation, Genesis - Part 2

Establishing the Foundation, Genesis - Part 2

Given by Dave Myers

Continuing to read through the beginning of the bible, the book of Genesis. We find foundational truths in this book that we will continue to study in this part 2 message.

55:28 Overcoming Discouragement

Overcoming Discouragement

Given by Chad Messerly

Discouragement can be a hard thing to deal with. What happens when discouragement sets in? How can we overcome discouragement?

1:02:15 A Tale of Two Priests

A Tale of Two Priests

Given by Rick Avent

49:11 Going Onto Perfection

Going Onto Perfection

Given by John Foster

Jesus told us to become perfect. Our perfection has to have a foundation and we are to build on that toward maturity. Jesus gave us a number of examples and concepts on how we can become perfect like our Father in heaven is.

1:08:03 The Importance of Attitude in Childrearing

The Importance of Attitude in Childrearing

Given by Mark Winner

It is God's will that both we and our children make it into His kingdom. This gives us a very important job as parents in raising our children in such a way as to help insure their success. Attitude plays a very important role in this.

57:26 News That Is Not Newsworthy

News That Is Not Newsworthy

Given by Greg Sargent

How much time do we spend on social media? Is what we watch or read really newsworthy? There is always interesting and entertaining media that is socially redeeming. But are we spending most of our time with trivia or with worthwhile information?

53:51 Bible Study: What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Bible Study: What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Given by Michael Hanisko