Given by Paul Carter
The Kingdom of God is compared to a wedding feast. What do we know about the parables, and what lessons should we learn. What should we avoid assuming?
Given by Greg Sargent
The last division of the Old Testament is the Writings which is divided into 3 sections, one of which is the Feast books (Megiloth). Song of Solomon equals Passover; Ruth is Pentecost; Lamentations is what? Esther is Atonement and Ecclesiastes is Trumpets/FOT/LGD. Lamentations is a lament, weeping over the sins of Israel for not obeying God’s law. Are...
Given by Bruce Rivers
Given by Ken Treybig
Today I want to review some of the incredible upsets by what can rightly be called “underdogs”. I’ve titled this message “By Many or by Few”, depicting the fact that God doesn’t need powerful human instruments to accomplish His will on Earth.
Given by David Baker
Today I encourage you to choose life.
Given by Mark Winner
It is important to remind ourselves from time to time of the importance of putting effort into our marriage. The way we treat the marriage relationship says a lot about how we treat our relationship with God.
Given by Zach Smith
Given by Mark Whynaucht
Whether we are baptized or not yet baptized, let's ask ourselves these questions: What do we think about change? What's our attitude toward change? Are we making excuses? Are we putting it off? How deeply do we desire change and be like Christ and to be in His kingdom and live forever?
Given by Tom Letellier