
1:09:09 Pure & Undefiled Religion

Pure & Undefiled Religion

Given by Paul Carter

What is most important in Religion? What does "religion" mean? Are you "religious?

54:59 Lessons From the Book of Jonah

Lessons From the Book of Jonah

Given by Larry Neff

There are spiritual lessons for us in this intriguing book. For example we are to love our enemies even if we think they may do us harm. Also God loves mankind and is very merciful.

57:45 Therefore You Shall Be Perfect

Therefore You Shall Be Perfect

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:05:45 The Church of God Is Organized, Part 2

The Church of God Is Organized, Part 2

Given by Ron Kelley

Proof of whether the Church should organize into a corporate entity or it is acceptable to simply be independent and stay alone or in a very small disassociated group.

1:05:05 How Big Is God (And How Small Are We)?

How Big Is God (And How Small Are We)?

Given by Doug Johnson

God tells us His way of viewing events is as high above our way of thinking as the heavens are high above the earth. Do we forget that and sometimes try to “put God in a box” of our tiny human reasoning?

1:09:55 Marriage, Part 3 - What and Why Is Marriage

Marriage, Part 3 - What and Why Is Marriage

Given by David Jackson

Ephesians 5:32 - This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. How does the Sanctuary represent the marriage union between man and woman, and Christ and the Church? Marriage is a Holy institution, a Holy Sanctuary, and we will see a perspective as to why! Part 3 covers three topics as we delve a little deeper into...

52:55 Establishing the Foundation, Genesis - Part 3

Establishing the Foundation, Genesis - Part 3

Given by Dave Myers

Continuing through the first book of the bible, Genesis, which is the book of beginnings. In this message, we will continue to go through foundational knowledge from the book of Genesis. This is part 3.

1:04:51 An Example Prayer Broken Into Parts

An Example Prayer Broken Into Parts

Given by Jeff Yost

This message describes an example prayer. It covers 6 major sections of this example prayer and gives reasons for and ways to pray.

1:01:32 Don't Get Lost in the Weeds

Don't Get Lost in the Weeds

Given by Don Henson

The third category of seed in the parable of the sower is entangled by thorns (cares, riches and pleasures of life) and does not bear fruit. How can we guard against being “lost in the weeds?