
57:39 Lachish - 2023

Lachish - 2023

Given by Phil Sandilands

57:22 That’s Between Me and God

That’s Between Me and God

Given by Doug Johnson

Is that phrase really true? Or do our words and actions impact other people too?

1:10:28 The Road to Eternal Life

The Road to Eternal Life

Given by Paul Carter

There is a clear road, path, and journey, laid out for us in the word of God. He makes the road to Eternal life clear!

59:20 Establishing the Foundation, Genesis - Part 6

Establishing the Foundation, Genesis - Part 6

Given by Dave Myers

Continuing this series of messages through the first book of the bible, the book of Genesis. As discussed previously, this book has foundational knowledge. This is part 6 in the series.

1:01:41 Going Onto Perfection

Going Onto Perfection

Given by Mark Whynaucht

It's a high calling that God has given us. The rewards are incredible to be able to be a part of His family. The quest is worth it. The question is, will we, do it? Will we put these into practice in our own personal lives? We will need God's Spirit. Without it, we can't attain it. But will I,...

1:13:39 Are the Hard Times Still Hard?

Are the Hard Times Still Hard?

Given by Bruce Gore

There comes a point where we ask what we need to do in order to be part of God's family. The answer to this question is not an event, but a journey. We focus on it and work hard until we reach the end. This involves developing a love for the work.

26:51 Bible Study: To Know Times or Seasons

Bible Study: To Know Times or Seasons

Given by Michael Hanisko

32:53 Does God Know Everything?

Does God Know Everything?

Given by Michael Hanisko

49:09 Forget Not All His Benefits

Forget Not All His Benefits

Given by Greg Sargent

The trial of our faith (1 Peter 1:7): which is more precious than gold that perishes—the trial or our faith? It’s faith in God’s promises in this life and the next that takes us through the trials of this life. Forgetting and lacking faith in God’s benefits will cause us to quit.