Given by Ken Treybig
Being “happy” because you mourn (or experience sorrow), as the beatitude states in Mat 5:4, seems like a contradiction. Let’s explore that statement today so see if there is a way for us to understand what Jesus meant by telling us, “Blessed are those who mourn”.
Given by Steve Villaescusa
Review four problems that priests had and how they relate to us.
Given by Zach Smith
Given by Matt Pavlik
Given by David Jackson
1. Be thankful for sufficiency. 2. Be mindful of excess. 3. Be willing to give. Don’t take God’s sufficiency for granted. God is watching!
Given by Hal Henderson
Split-Sermon Were the Ten Commandments in Effect Before Moses?
Given by Pat Sinon
Given by Dave Myers
Continuing with foundational truths found in the first book of the bible, the book of Genesis. This message picks up at the 6th day of creation. This is the fifth part of the series on the book of Genesis.
Given by Zach Smith