Given by Zach Smith
Given by Mark Whynaucht
God has done, is doing, and has promised to do far more for all of us than what would just be fair. We deserve nothing. He's promised to see to it that we will have everything, so we can be very thankful that our wonderful Father in heaven is so far beyond fair.
Given by Mark Winner
It is important to remind ourselves from time to time of the importance of putting effort into our marriage. The way we treat the marriage relationship says a lot about how we treat our relationship with God.
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Greg Sargent
The righteousness by Christ in us that Satan strives to destroy is our key to holding fast God’s Word. Study God’s Word, prove what we are taught, hold fast to the truth. But…never forget that disobedience to God’s law will take away our understanding.
Given by Ron Kelley
Proving why the dietary laws are in effect and answering objections to the contrary.
Given by Gary Lutz
Given by Ralph Levy
Depressed? Us? Surely not. We’re Christians, and such people don’t suffer depression. The truth is, depression impacts most people, including true Christians. What does the Bible have to say on this sensitive subject? And what may we do to escape “the blues” when they have us in their grip? This sermon explores the question of what the Bible...
Given by Phil Sandilands