Given by Mark Winner
How can we prepare ourselves to take complete advantage of the learning opportunities presented to us over the coming feast days? These 10 points will help to focus our thoughts.
Given by Ken Treybig
Today I’d like us to take a big overview perspective about the whole fall feast season, and I’d like to also review how my perspective on these fall feasts changed over the years.
Given by David Jackson
What does comparable mean from a wife’s perspective? What would God have women to understand about themselves from this power word, comparable? And what would God have the men to understand about this word, from the woman’s perspective? For a wife to assume her role as a helper comparable to him, requires great love and humility on her...
Given by James Ellis
Regardless of our age, we are all known for our reputation. As members of the Church of God, what qualities should we be known for?
Given by Don Henson
The disciples hoped Jesus would restore Israel in their time (Acts 1). Jesus said we won’t know when He will return but we should always be ready. Part of watching for His return is to understand prophecies given in Daniel, Matthew and Revelation.
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Arnold Burns
Today we will look at and search scriptures to understand God's purpose of creation.
Given by Paul Carter
Lucifer had the sin of Pride, and pride has continued throughout the history of man. From the beginning to the end, Pride and Humility are two subjects that are discussed in detail. Are we guilty of Pride?