Given by David Jackson
Are you living the majority of your life based on the reality of today, or are you living based on the reality of the Feast of Trumpets? May God speed the reality of this day, this Feast of Trumpets!
Given by Eric Koester
Given by Robert Harvey
Science does not know exactly how or why the human memory system works but understands the various components of it and how it is interlinked. We can use that knowledge to enhance our spiritual growth. This sermon takes a very basic look at these components and considers the role they play in our spiritual understanding and why it's important to...
Given by Jim Cannon
Given by Taylor Tootle
The meaning of the Feast of Trumpets. Leading up to the return of Jesus Christ, there will be many signs and wonders, terrible and destructive, but deserving to the world that has rejected God and submitted to their own lusts. We have to be in a state of readiness because Christ is coming quickly. This message serves as a great...
Given by Dave Myers
What is it going to really take for the world to change? How can we apply to ourselves as well? For some, it will be death. Most of humanity has rejected God and the return of Jesus Christ is the only way to bring about complete change to this world.
Given by Tom Letellier
Given by Ron Kelley
Outline of events from the end of the Work to the return of Christ.
Given by Ken Treybig
Jesus' promise to return In John 14 was reassuring.But there was ANOTHER powerful event that preceded it and that’s what I want to look at today—the Transfiguration. As we go through this event, we’ll look at how it focuses on the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets and foretells OUR change at Christ’s return.