
1:18:44 Moses - Servant of God - Part 1

Moses - Servant of God - Part 1

Given by Mark Winner

We examine the life of Moses to draw lessons about obedience, faith, and allowing God to work in our lives, even when we face trials and difficulties. Looking into the life of Moses encourages developing a close relationship with God and submitting our will to His.

1:06:41 We Watch and We Wait

We Watch and We Wait

Given by Greg Swartz

56:15 Learning From Those Who Went Before Us

Learning From Those Who Went Before Us

Given by Marty Miller

It has been said that every generation rewrites the past. How can we succeed in facing the challenges of life? How can we preserve the foundational truths God has revealed to His Church? By learning from the examples of the those who went before us.

59:16 God Has Promised

God Has Promised

Given by Scott Hammer

God's Promises throughout the Bible to his faithful servants. How we claim those promises through our Faith. Multiple examples, God never fails to keep his word.

1:07:11 The Truth Heals

The Truth Heals

Given by Clyde Kilough

As we examine ourselves to prepare for the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, one of our greatest challenges is to see the truth about ourselves. Each of us has a relationship with truth, and a healthy relationship helps us heal spiritually.

1:00:34 Where Do We Go From Here?

Where Do We Go From Here?

Given by Tom Letellier

51:36 Guilt - Motivation or Affliction

Guilt - Motivation or Affliction

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:04:16 Lesson from Titanic

Lesson from Titanic

Given by Tom Schultz

41:01 Family Rules!

Family Rules!

Given by Steve McNeely

God loves family and is adding to His. We should treasure our physical family.