
28:37 We Have Been Given Our Talent

We Have Been Given Our Talent

Given by Delvin Mellerup

Gods Holy Spirit is our talent, given to us at baptism, and we are told to produce fruits from that gift.

52:24 He Who Overcomes

He Who Overcomes

Given by Pat Sinon

38:14 Actions That Lead to Never Practicing Sin

Actions That Lead to Never Practicing Sin

Given by Greg Sargent

Pentecost is mainly about God’s promise of the Holy Spirit. The one word that describes God is “love.” Fulfilling the fruit of love described in Galatians 5 will actually result in never practicing sin.

46:04 Great Dads and What They Do

Great Dads and What They Do

Given by Steve McNeely

It's Father's Day and time to focus on dads and what makes a 'great' one.

11:39 Protecting Your Heart

Protecting Your Heart

Given by Dan Pierce

In the Bible, the heart is used to describe the seat of our emotions and affections. That needs to be guarded.

1:24:59 Jehoshaphat and the Spirit of God, Part 1

Jehoshaphat and the Spirit of God, Part 1

Given by David Jackson

Like Jehoshaphat, our lives are a series of events and circumstances challenging our obedience and disobedience, pressing on our faithfulness and faithlessness in God. We are successful at times, and at other times we fail. God provides His Holy Spirit to us not just as His power when we need intervention, healing, or rescue but through the power of God�...

55:05 Longsuffering


Given by Kurt Tannert

What is Longsuffering? How is is displayed, and is God Longsuffering toward us?

39:45 Remove Bitterness, Choose Life!

Remove Bitterness, Choose Life!

Given by Gregg Pennington

Bitterness can poison us, no matter if the injustice is real or perceived.

37:05 Are You a Hard Cider Hand Grenade or a Finely Aged Wine?

Are You a Hard Cider Hand Grenade or a Finely Aged Wine?

Given by Jeremy Hess

The spiritual fermentation process is a volatile process and as a result requires a new way of thinking and acting. As we approach Pentecost, let's glean some lessons from the Parable in Luke 5.