
1:01:54 What Is Spirit?

What Is Spirit?

Given by Jeff Yost

Today we will define what is Spirit and what it is not. We will discuss the six different uses of the word Spirit in the bible and see that the Holy Spirit existed before Pentecost.

56:56 What Is Doctrine, and Why Is It So Important?

What Is Doctrine, and Why Is It So Important?

Given by Mark Whynaucht

If someone came up to you and asked you “What do you believe?” how would you answer them. Every religion has its body of beliefs, and what’s included in that body of beliefs determines whether you are “fundamentalist”, “evangelical”, “progressive” or some other label people give to other people. This body of beliefs that is professed to be “Biblical”...

1:11:58 The War Chronicles of Israel Part 4: What Was Right in Their Own Eyes

The War Chronicles of Israel Part 4: What Was Right in Their Own Eyes

Given by Rick Avent

52:10 The Jebusites and Judah

The Jebusites and Judah

Given by John Foster

There is an important lesson we need to learn from what happened with the Jebusites and Judah.

42:40 The True Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man

The True Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man

Given by Phil Sandilands

54:25 The Power of God…In Me? - Part 1

The Power of God…In Me? - Part 1

Given by Ron Kelley

Five ways God's Spirit works in my life.

53:31 Which Bible Woman Best Fits 1 Corinthians 13?

Which Bible Woman Best Fits 1 Corinthians 13?

Given by Greg Sargent

First Corinthians 13 defines God’s love—both the positive characteristics and those that are opposite. Athaliah and Abigail give us living examples of each. Who of the two would you like to have as a mother?

53:13 Spiritual Mothering

Spiritual Mothering

Given by Mark Whynaucht

"Spiritual mothering" is a concept often found in religious or spiritual contexts, particularly within Christian theology. It refers to the practice of older, more mature women providing guidance, support, and mentorship to younger women in matters of faith, personal growth, and Christian living. Spiritual mothers are seen as mentors who help younger women navigate life's challenges, deepen their...

1:04:15 What’s Your “Exit Strategy?”

What’s Your “Exit Strategy?”

Given by Doug Johnson

Nations in our world get bogged down in international quagmires at times, leading some analysts to ask if their goverments have an "exit strategy" to remove themselves from trouble. As Christians, can we figure out what our "exit strategy" from sinful situations is?