
11:39 Protecting Your Heart

Protecting Your Heart

Given by Dan Pierce

In the Bible, the heart is used to describe the seat of our emotions and affections. That needs to be guarded.

55:05 Longsuffering


Given by Kurt Tannert

What is Longsuffering? How is is displayed, and is God Longsuffering toward us?

39:45 Remove Bitterness, Choose Life!

Remove Bitterness, Choose Life!

Given by Gregg Pennington

Bitterness can poison us, no matter if the injustice is real or perceived.

37:05 Are You a Hard Cider Hand Grenade or a Finely Aged Wine?

Are You a Hard Cider Hand Grenade or a Finely Aged Wine?

Given by Jeremy Hess

The spiritual fermentation process is a volatile process and as a result requires a new way of thinking and acting. As we approach Pentecost, let's glean some lessons from the Parable in Luke 5.

1:08:44 Meditate on These Things

Meditate on These Things

Given by Mark Whynaucht

Meditation must be part of our life regularly. We live in a fast-paced world going faster and faster every day. We need to slow down and take time to think—to focus on God and on His way. We need to focus our attention on Him.

1:15:38 Have I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

Have I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

Given by Mark Winner

What is the unpardonable sin? Who is guilty of commiting it? As long as someone is willing to repent and turn to God when they sin, they have not committed the unpardonable sin. The key is maintaining a repentant attitude and continuing to strive to obey God, even when we fall short.

1:01:08 Pentecost Promises

Pentecost Promises

Given by Don Henson

On Pentecost 31AD the God fulfilled His promises of the Holy Spirit and the Church and began preparing the firstfruits of His kingdom.

46:38 Don't Let the Old Man In

Don't Let the Old Man In

Given by Jerry Rehor

55:13 Forever


Given by Jason Hyde