
36:09 Light and the Holy Spirit

Light and the Holy Spirit

Given by Dave Pennington

1:02:20 Acres of Diamonds

Acres of Diamonds

Given by Jim Franks

We preach the gospel to the world, but what are we doing to develop our young people who sit among us each and every Sabbath? A classic story illustrates this case. God describes His children as jewels that need to be polished and refined. Our young people are like that. What should we do to help them?

1:01:26 What About the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?

What About the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?

Given by Rick Avent

1:04:07 Pentecost 2024

Pentecost 2024

Given by Phil Sandilands

47:11 Power of Pentecost

Power of Pentecost

Given by Mike Machin

What the Holy Spirit is not. Then talk about the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.

57:36 Seeking Living Water

Seeking Living Water

Given by Ken Treybig

Jesus' interaction with a Samaritan lady at a well mentions living water. What’s so special about physical water that Jesus would use it to present the Holy Spirit? How do we find and use that living water so it brings eternal life?

1:13:01 Of Power of Love and of a Sound Mind

Of Power of Love and of a Sound Mind

Given by Paul Carter

What are three very disticnt qualities God gives us through His Holy Spirit. Do we know what they are and what they mean to us?

1:05:15 What Pentecost Means to Me, Making Pentecost Personal

What Pentecost Means to Me, Making Pentecost Personal

Given by Ron Kelley

What will be different in my life tomorrow because I celebrated Pentecost today?

57:10 Three Purposes for the Holy Spirit

Three Purposes for the Holy Spirit

Given by Taylor Tootle

In the book of John, Jesus Christ taught the deciples three purposes for the Holy Spirit. Today, as we observe the giving the of the Holy Spirit we will be reminded of these reasons as we remember the great gift that God puts in us.