
53:24 True Freedom

True Freedom

Given by Ken Treybig

We are truly blessed to have the blessings as well as freedoms that we have here in the US! That said, let’s look at what God’s Word says about freedom. Man’s thoughts don’t always match God’s, even in the area of freedoms.

1:05:25 Peace


Given by Tim Foster

Peace is the end result, the effect, the work of spiritual acts, all the other fruit of the spirit. Jesus gives us this peace inside, in the midst of this world's tribulation. We are called to pursue peace as much as depends on us. It's the goal of godly living.

59:23 The Choices We Make Matter

The Choices We Make Matter

Given by Chad Messerly

The choices we make are important. There are consequences to the choices we make whether it is good or bad. In this sermon we will discuss 5 points to making wise choices.

1:13:03 1 Corinthians 13 The Love Chapter Part 2

1 Corinthians 13 The Love Chapter Part 2

Given by Paul Carter

After llisting spiritual gifts in Chapter 12, the book continues with those gifts and discusses the best gifts. What are they? If we dont have it, the others mean very little!

55:03 Follow the Lead of the Holy Spirit

Follow the Lead of the Holy Spirit

Given by David Treybig

The book of Acts records the giving of the Holy Spirit and how the apostles and brethren of the early church either followed the lead of the Holy Spirit or ignored it. This sermon covers some of the history with an emphasis on the fruit that will be produced in our lives by following the Holy Spirit.

1:06:55 The Truth About Our Hope in Life

The Truth About Our Hope in Life

Given by Taylor Tootle

How would you explain to someone mankind does not have an immortal soul? Since we do not have an immortal soul, what happens after death?

1:13:23 For You See Your Calling Brethren

For You See Your Calling Brethren

Given by Bruce Gore

Being called by God means we have a responsibility to do His work. Each person who has been called has a role to play, and we should all strive to live in a way that brings glory to God and helps spread His message.

42:42 God Looks at the Heart

God Looks at the Heart

Given by Gary Summers

Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. What are some of the characteristics that God wants to see in our spiritual heart? In this message, we review 4 of them, a clean heart, a pure heart, an understanding heart, and a loyal heart.

36:55 To Ask or Not to Ask

To Ask or Not to Ask

Given by Kevin Troyer

We have to be careful what, how, and why we ask God for the things we ask Him for. We don't want to ask God for the wrong things or in the wrong way. We'll focus on four different types of asking we find in the Bible, and see which type is best.