Given by Mark Whynaucht
Rather than being disconnected, each one of these conditions that God places before us, are like a pearl of great price, and they're all strung together in a strand of pearls. So, we have something that holds them together, something that unifies each one of these pearls. How many pearls are on this strand? I don't know, but the string...
Given by Paul Carter
1 Corinthians 12 lays out a number of Spiritual gifts and offices within the Church. These gifts are different than the gift "of" the Holy Spirit. Do you know what your gifts are?
Given by Ron Kelley
An overview of the Book of Malachi covering eight specific applications to our Christian lives.
Given by Ken Treybig
While the world seems obsessed with war, Jesus says His followers should be at peace and should be of good cheer. Gal 5 lists “peace” as their third fruit of the HS. Let’s explore what God says about peace today.
Given by Mark Winner
It is a fundamental belief of the church that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired word of God. This can be verified from the Bible itself as well as historical sources.
Given by Doug Johnson
Pentecost helps us know our spiritual identity. But what are we doing to do about that in our lives?
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Don Henson
To be prepared for the end of the age, Jesus warned that we must beware of conditions that will develop at the end of the age and be strongly rooted in doctrinal understanding to stand strong against false teaching and deception.
Given by Nathan Willoughby