
31:00 The Carnal Way vs. the Spiritual Way

The Carnal Way vs. the Spiritual Way

Given by Jacob Golden

In this study we focus on the difference between two Greek words, Sarkinois and Pnuematikois, carnal and spiritual, respectively. We journey through Paul's use of these words in the book of 1 Corinthians and how the brethren in Corinth needed to be shown the difference.

52:59 Who Am I? - Part 1

Who Am I? - Part 1

Given by Mark Winner

If you were to create a "Who Am I?" card that lists your defining characteristics and traits, what would be on that card? We need to reflect on a number of different qualities in order to grow closer to becoming the person God wants us to be.

1:01:03 God’s Church at the End of the Age - Part 2

God’s Church at the End of the Age - Part 2

Given by Don Henson

The lesson of the fig tree: watch the leaves so you know summer is coming. The great tribulation will bring disaster and pain to all the earth, especially affecting descendants of Jacob. Jesus warned His disciples to “take heed” so that we will not be distracted else the tribulation will catch us as a snare, too.

42:15 Jesus Christ Had to Come to Earth

Jesus Christ Had to Come to Earth

Given by Jerry Rehor

1:04:43 Prophetic Times: What Should You Do?

Prophetic Times: What Should You Do?

Given by Paul Carter

We live in some amazing times. Knowledge is increasing, but so are the effects of the four horsemen, and other tragic events. How can you be ready?

1:00:14 God Hates Some Stuff Too!

God Hates Some Stuff Too!

Given by David Gatley

God is love, and He loves us so much that He also gave us the things that He hates, so that we may avoid those things and have disdain for them as well.

59:51 Lessons of Pride

Lessons of Pride

Given by Ray Harris

The original Pride Bringer is Satan, the father of it and many other destructive things. Mankind, being physical, is easily led astray by vanity and pride to our harm and harm to others around us. We're to take on humbleness and teachableness as God would have us to do, and one way to do that is the study the stories...

53:24 True Freedom

True Freedom

Given by Ken Treybig

We are truly blessed to have the blessings as well as freedoms that we have here in the US! That said, let’s look at what God’s Word says about freedom. Man’s thoughts don’t always match God’s, even in the area of freedoms.

1:05:25 Peace


Given by Tim Foster

Peace is the end result, the effect, the work of spiritual acts, all the other fruit of the spirit. Jesus gives us this peace inside, in the midst of this world's tribulation. We are called to pursue peace as much as depends on us. It's the goal of godly living.