
58:29 Of Love and Hate

Of Love and Hate

Given by Ken Treybig

This is Memorial Day Weekend. As Christians, how does God expect US to live in this world that memorializes and sometimes glorifies war? What perspective should we have on this topic?

1:07:28 Overcoming Trials by Testing Your Faith and Patience

Overcoming Trials by Testing Your Faith and Patience

Given by Mark Whynaucht

God knows what He is doing in each of our lives. He is the Potter and we are the clay. He will mold us and shape us, and expose us to just enough pressures of just the right kind that we may be made into a flawless piece of work. To fulfill His good, pleasing, and perfect will. Have faith!...

1:21:58 Moses - Servant of God - Part 2

Moses - Servant of God - Part 2

Given by Mark Winner

We examine the life of Moses to draw lessons about obedience, faith, and allowing God to work in our lives, even when we face trials and difficulties. Looking into the life of Moses encourages developing a close relationship with God and submitting our will to His. (Part 2)

59:17 Is the Sinai Covenant Still in Effect Today?

Is the Sinai Covenant Still in Effect Today?

Given by Phil Sandilands

49:28 Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#7) - 1 Samuel 22-24

Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#7) - 1 Samuel 22-24

Given by Chad Messerly

Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#7) - 1 Samuel 22-24

49:20 When You See

When You See

Given by Greg Sargent

Those words, “when you see,” were spoken by Christ to the disciples almost 2000 years ago. We can draw at least 2 conclusions from those three words—1) if we are watching, we will be aware of prophesied world events before Christ’s coming and 2) Christ expects us to watch for those events and expects the church to warn the world when those...

1:05:09 Your Name in the Book of Acts

Your Name in the Book of Acts

Given by Ron Kelley

“If the Book of Acts had a second book to include stories and lessons from the time of Paul until now, what might be written about you?"

50:17 Give Ear to My Words O Lord

Give Ear to My Words O Lord

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:15:54 Of What or Whom Are You Convicted?

Of What or Whom Are You Convicted?

Given by Paul Carter

What were you convicted by? Are you still in a state of committment to Truth? Do you follow a man, a teaching, or the written word of God? Of Whom or What are you convicted?