
1:05:40 The War Chronicles of Israel Part 5: The End of the Theocracy

The War Chronicles of Israel Part 5: The End of the Theocracy

Given by Rick Avent

51:49 Fallacy of the Trinity

Fallacy of the Trinity

Given by Roger Ellis

This afternoon I’d like to expose the false teaching about the trinity and how we can have Biblical and historical evidence to share with others when asked.

1:00:42 Covenants - God's Love

Covenants - God's Love

Given by Mike Machin

God interacts with humans through covenants and promises. These are expressions of God's sovereignty and His enduring love.

35:39 Footman Problems

Footman Problems

Given by DJ Haney

Jeremiah complains to God about his lot in life, but God tells him that things are just getting started. Jeremiah had become bitter and worn out while running with the footmen, but God tells him to prepare to run with the horses. Problems and chronic issues in our lives can cause us to complain and develop a negative attitude, but...

56:41 The Fear of God: What You Need to Know

The Fear of God: What You Need to Know

Given by David Johnson

Scripture repeatedly tells us we are to fear God, but what does that mean? How can we fear God and love God at the same time? And how would the proper fear of God affect the way we live? Finally, why does God instruct us to fear Him for our good?

1:02:35 The Power of God… in Me ? - Part 2

The Power of God… in Me ? - Part 2

Given by Ron Kelley

Looking at specific ways we can see evidence of the power of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives.

58:29 Of Love and Hate

Of Love and Hate

Given by Ken Treybig

This is Memorial Day Weekend. As Christians, how does God expect US to live in this world that memorializes and sometimes glorifies war? What perspective should we have on this topic?

1:02:09 Annointing, Part 1: The Precedent & The Process

Annointing, Part 1: The Precedent & The Process

Given by Zach Smith

1:07:28 Overcoming Trials by Testing Your Faith and Patience

Overcoming Trials by Testing Your Faith and Patience

Given by Mark Whynaucht

God knows what He is doing in each of our lives. He is the Potter and we are the clay. He will mold us and shape us, and expose us to just enough pressures of just the right kind that we may be made into a flawless piece of work. To fulfill His good, pleasing, and perfect will. Have faith!...