Given by Mark Whynaucht
God doesn’t always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is ultimately best for us! Of that we can have absolute confidence and faith. So, next time you feel “Where is God. I sure could use His intervention now!” Realize that He is there and He...
Given by Don Henson
We live in a complicated and dangerous world. God is the source of the wisdom and discernment we need. Wisdom is a gift that God gives to those who have an understanding (hearing) heart.
Given by Doug Johnson
When Joseph is mentioned in Hebrews 11 (the Faith Chapter), it connects his faith to his dying words. What is the lesson for us from such an unusual perspective?
Given by Mike Machin
The world in many ways tells us to mismanage our lives and our finances. Everything belongs to God therefore He cares about our stewardship.
Given by Paul Carter
What is the warning from Noah's Days? Is it simply how bad it was, or is there more?
Given by Zach Smith
Given by David Jackson
The primary cause, the number 1 cause of sin and problems in marriage is Satan. That is not an excuse for the wrongs that we choose to do. Satan, however, is crafty, shrewd, and subtle, and he went to Eve first, I believe, knowing that she could leverage her physical attributes with Adam. Satan will use and leverage whatever tactic will...
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Dave Myers
There have been many wonderful strong female examples in the bible. This message is about someone who is not talked about directly but she plays an important role.