
1:10:40 What Will Be the Status on the Day After the Day of the Lord?

What Will Be the Status on the Day After the Day of the Lord?

Given by Rick Avent

57:45 Ready to Go?

Ready to Go?

Given by Jeremy Hess

Coming back from the Feast, we heard many exciting messages about God's coming Kingdom. Are we ready to be there?

1:03:54 The Middle East in History and Prophecy

The Middle East in History and Prophecy

Given by Phil Sandilands

54:53 The Gates of Hades

The Gates of Hades

Given by David Johnson

We have long understood that Jesus’ statement about the gates of Hades meant that the Church would never die out completely. But is there more involved in what He said? And why did He take His disciples 20 miles away to Caesarea Philippi? To understand, we need to look more closely.

51:17 God's Festivals and Grace

God's Festivals and Grace

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:01:13 Whose Wisdom Are You Seeking?

Whose Wisdom Are You Seeking?

Given by Mark Whynaucht

How many of us ask for wisdom each day in our prayers? To ask God for wisdom, and not just wisdom, but for His wisdom. Wisdom of course would include knowledge and understanding. It would include insight and prudence. Wisdom, in its simplest form, is how do things work? How are things going to turn out the way they are?...

1:06:23 Humanity’s Search for Shortcuts

Humanity’s Search for Shortcuts

Given by Doug Johnson

Humans have a tendency to look for “shortcuts” to avoid, apparently, doing things “the hard way.” How has this worked out? What should we do as Christians?

58:24 Labor Pains Lead to Birth

Labor Pains Lead to Birth

Given by Zach Smith

1:11:52 The Importance of Foundation

The Importance of Foundation

Given by Mark Winner

Is our spiritual foundation strong enough to support what God wishes us to build upon it? If we aren't careful with our foundation, it will slowly crumble.