Given by Zach Smith
Given by David Jackson
Lie #3: In the day you eat of it Satan promised Adam and Eve immediacy of splendor and reward, a QUICK FIX, which he could not deliver, nor was it God’s intent to deliver immediately. “In the day you eat of it---WA-LA!”, splendor and reward—all of your problems…GONE! But God was looking to create the CHARACTER of God...
Given by Greg Sargent
The Bible compares our spiritual battle physical sports—the more difficult sports. From those biblical examples we learn lessons on resisting Satan so that we do not practice sin.
Given by Pat Sinon
Given by Mark Whynaucht
Our corrupted human nature tells us that, if we submit to God's law and God's way, God's direction, and we actually obey, our lives won't be happy. The truth is that Spirit-led self-control, that allows us to be disciplined under God's rule, as one of the fruits of God's Spirit, is the only way to really be happy.
Given by Dave Myers
There are so many things in this life that aren't real but a large portion of the population believe that it is, like big foot. Unity is like that, in this message we will identify ways to capture this elusive and necessary characteristic.
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Jon Pinelli
Galatians 5 lists the fruits of the spirits. It also lists the fruits of the flesh. Mr. Pinelli goes through the 7 spirits of Satan and delves into each of them.
Given by Jon Pinelli
A standard Bearer is someone who carries the flag or banner that represents a group. As Christians, we carry the banner of Christ. Mr. Pinelli goes through what it means to be a standard bearer holding the flag of Christ and what it takes to properly carry it.