
49:39 Honored Christian Soldier

Honored Christian Soldier

Given by Pat Sinon

40:12 Self-Control


Given by Mark Whynaucht

Our corrupted human nature tells us that, if we submit to God's law and God's way, God's direction, and we actually obey, our lives won't be happy. The truth is that Spirit-led self-control, that allows us to be disciplined under God's rule, as one of the fruits of God's Spirit, is the only way to really be happy.

52:50 Elusive Unity

Elusive Unity

Given by Dave Myers

There are so many things in this life that aren't real but a large portion of the population believe that it is, like big foot. Unity is like that, in this message we will identify ways to capture this elusive and necessary characteristic.

1:03:15 Every Good and Perfect Gift

Every Good and Perfect Gift

Given by Michael Hanisko

47:04 Bible Study Galatians 5:19 7 Spirits of Satan

Bible Study Galatians 5:19 7 Spirits of Satan

Given by Jon Pinelli

Galatians 5 lists the fruits of the spirits. It also lists the fruits of the flesh. Mr. Pinelli goes through the 7 spirits of Satan and delves into each of them.

42:35 Being a Standard Bearer

Being a Standard Bearer

Given by Jon Pinelli

A standard Bearer is someone who carries the flag or banner that represents a group. As Christians, we carry the banner of Christ. Mr. Pinelli goes through what it means to be a standard bearer holding the flag of Christ and what it takes to properly carry it.

46:57 Is God Listening?

Is God Listening?

Given by Mark Whynaucht

God doesn’t always answer our prayers to our immediate satisfaction and instantly deliver us from our trials. But He will always do what is ultimately best for us! Of that we can have absolute confidence and faith. So, next time you feel “Where is God. I sure could use His intervention now!” Realize that He is there and He...

59:19 Keys to Wisdom

Keys to Wisdom

Given by Don Henson

We live in a complicated and dangerous world. God is the source of the wisdom and discernment we need. Wisdom is a gift that God gives to those who have an understanding (hearing) heart.

1:06:09 Joseph—A Lesson in Faith

Joseph—A Lesson in Faith

Given by Doug Johnson

When Joseph is mentioned in Hebrews 11 (the Faith Chapter), it connects his faith to his dying words. What is the lesson for us from such an unusual perspective?