Given by Ron Kelley
God has worked in our lives in miraculous ways over the years to work out His purpose for us. This sermon tells the story of how God has worked in the lives of the Kelley’s to bring them to being the Pastor in Indianapolis and Cincinnati.
Given by Mark Whynaucht
Philippians 2:5 says, “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” That’s a sound mind. It’s a pure mind. It’s the mind of Jesus Christ that will go into the kingdom of God. Let's make sure that we work and we focus on having the mind of Jesus Christ by using God’s spirit...
Given by Chad Messerly
The more our attitude reflects the attitude of Jesus Christ the better we will treat each other and handle the stresses and irritations of the world around us.
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Rick Avent
Given by Greg Sargent
The world cannot understand why God allows so many seemingly innocent civilians to die—whether it be the 38 million in WWII or recent bystanders in more recent conflicts. Among other reasons, we know the whole world is under the sway of Satan the devil plus God’s first two commandments tell us God punishes idolaters but has mercy on those...
Given by Doug Johnson
What does a national day of thanksgiving mean to us? How deep does the meaning go in our lives?
Given by Ken Treybig
With the national holiday of Thanksgiving coming up it seems timely to look at some biblical examples and instructions about giving thanks.
Given by David Jackson
Lie #4: Your eyes will be opened Satan finally got Eve to consider the lie that if she listened to him and ate the forbidden fruit, her ability to see and understand the truth would not only be greatly enhanced but her life would be vastly improved. But the outcome for Adam and Eve was being ashamed. Not truth, but shame!...