
53:31 Have You Lost Your First Love?

Have You Lost Your First Love?

Given by Greg Sargent

The Church of Ephesus in Revelation 2 had excellent spiritual traits—except one—they had lost their first love. That loss was so serious that if they didn’t repent, Christ was going to remove the lampstand from them. Do you know what that love was? Have you and I lost our first love?

1:00:33 Defining Moments - For Such a Time As This

Defining Moments - For Such a Time As This

Given by Bill Johnson

Defining Moments-For Such a Time As This

52:00 Keep Your Eyes on the Mark

Keep Your Eyes on the Mark

Given by Tom Letellier

1:00:10 Going to Your Brother

Going to Your Brother

Given by Paul Carter

Does God provide steps to working out issues between people, specifically in the Church? Does it work? Every time? This message takes a look at the principles laid out in Matthew 18.

42:09 What Are We Numbering

What Are We Numbering

Given by Zach Smith

1:06:07 Plan For Your Future Now

Plan For Your Future Now

Given by Mark Winner

The way we act now will shape who we are tomorrow. If we look back and see how we were compared to how we are now, are we where we want to be? What changes need to be made for further growth moving forward?

1:01:00 The Responsibilities of an Ephesians 4 Church

The Responsibilities of an Ephesians 4 Church

Given by Ron Kelley

Ephesians 4 outlines the major responsibilities the Pastor and members have in order to insure the congregation will fulfill God’s directive of unity and peace in the Congregations. This will result in spiritual growth and strong congregations which will be the foundation upon which we will build for the future

58:26 G.O.A.T. Commandment 1

G.O.A.T. Commandment 1

Given by Ken Treybig

There are many GOAT (greatest of all time) athletes. Does God have and GOAT issues other than His Son? Let's review what Jesus said were the GOAT of the commandments.

52:53 Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#2) - 1 Samuel 10-11

Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#2) - 1 Samuel 10-11

Given by Don Henson

Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#2) - 1 Samuel 10-11