
49:32 This Gospel Will Be Preached

This Gospel Will Be Preached

Given by Michael Hanisko

59:59 The Two Mysteries of the Bible

The Two Mysteries of the Bible

Given by Greg Sargent

We find the word “mystery” over 20 times in the New Testament. Many of these mysteries are linked together. A closer look reveals the Mystery of Righteousness and the Mystery of Iniquity. Those two mysteries clash at the end time as revealed by a letter to the Thessalonians and God’s Revelation of the end time.

1:03:55 Please Don’t Complain About This Message

Please Don’t Complain About This Message

Given by Jeff Yost

There are biblical warnings about complaining. Having a valid complaint and finding a solution is a good thing.

27:23 Staying Committed to the Path of Salvation

Staying Committed to the Path of Salvation

Given by Bob Iacobucci

1:16:12 The Seventh Commandment - Part 2 Another Look at Lust

The Seventh Commandment - Part 2 Another Look at Lust

Given by Zach Smith

1:03:43 Can There Be Blessings in Disasters?, Part 3

Can There Be Blessings in Disasters?, Part 3

Given by Rick Avent

1:03:10 Trust in God and Stand in Awe

Trust in God and Stand in Awe

Given by Ron Kelley

Important lessons are contained in the lyrics of our hymns. One example is “Trust in God and Stand in Awe”. The sermon reviews the lyrics of this hymn and brings out the vital points we need to fulfill the message of this hymn – how to really trust God and stand in awe of how He is working in our lives...

33:43 God's Law Today

God's Law Today

Given by Kevin Troyer

What changed with the New Covenant? Was God's Law only established for ancient Israel? We look at when God established His law, what sin shows us about His law, what God's law shows us about God, and how God's law applies to us today.

43:33 Faithful in Little

Faithful in Little

Given by Marty Miller

Jesus Christ teaches that being responsible or faithful in the little things directly impacts one’s success in the big things. David’s life is one example of this. What areas of our lives reveal if we are being faithful in little?