
59:55 Persecution, Preparation, and Promises

Persecution, Preparation, and Promises

Given by Michael Hanisko

57:06 A Fool Has No Delight In Understanding

A Fool Has No Delight In Understanding

Given by Mark Winner

More and more often, we can see a complete denial of the truth happening throughout the world. A fool has no delight in understanding. We should crave understanding.

59:09 Faith in a Faithless World (Faith, Focus, Finish)

Faith in a Faithless World (Faith, Focus, Finish)

Given by Bill Johnson

Faith in a Faithless World (Faith, Focus, Finish)

48:56 Righteous Judgment

Righteous Judgment

Given by Ken Treybig

With university groups and members of the US Congress cheering the horrific atrocities of the Hamas terrorists, it seems wise judgment is sorely missing. What does God have to say about righteous judgment and how can we exhibit more of it?

1:02:23 Marriage and the Family

Marriage and the Family

Given by Phil Sandilands

54:46 Are We Listening to the Still Small Voice

Are We Listening to the Still Small Voice

Given by Mark Whynaucht

We all need to be attuned to the still small voice in our lives. Once we're in tune with the still small voice that comes from above, then we go to work among our brothers and sisters, among those who respond to the same voice. There's service, there's help, there are things to be done among the people of God....

1:01:21 Halloween & Spiritual Wickedness

Halloween & Spiritual Wickedness

Given by Paul Carter

A look at the custom of Halloween and other pagan practices that man has blindly accepted.

1:20:32 After the Last Great Day—Admonitions By Moses

After the Last Great Day—Admonitions By Moses

Given by David Jackson

In Deuteronomy 16:1 - 17, Moses reviews the plan of God through the Holy Days, speaking specifically about the 3 Feasts or seasons when the children of Israel migrated from their home to assemble before the Lord. Greater detail is provided in Leviticus 23. The question I pose is: “Are there admonitions given by Moses at the conclusion of the Feast Days that are...

55:20 How Can We Be Encouraged in a Troubled World?

How Can We Be Encouraged in a Troubled World?

Given by Taylor Tootle

How can we as Christians be encouraged and be an encouragement to others around us.