
54:23 Preaching the Gospel in a Changing World

Preaching the Gospel in a Changing World

Given by Phil Sandilands

53:23 The Good That I Will to Do, I Do Not Do

The Good That I Will to Do, I Do Not Do

Given by Michael Hanisko

59:02 Pathway to the Kingdom

Pathway to the Kingdom

Given by Jim Franks

Each year, as president, I am required to submit a strategic plan. The strategic plan lays out the steps that will be taken to achieve our strategic objectives—our goals. As Christians, our goal is the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). What kind of strategic plan do we have? How will we go about achieving the goal of God’s Kingdom?...

1:15:46 The Many Faces of Pride and Vanity - Part 2

The Many Faces of Pride and Vanity - Part 2

Given by Mark Winner

Our human nature generally makes us go easier on ourselves than we do on others. We can see flaws in others easier than we can see our own flaws; this helps to inflate our pride and vanity. Ultimately, we need to be seeking to see ourselves how God sees us.

1:00:38 As Iron Sharpens Iron

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Given by Zach Smith

1:17:20 Are You Happy?

Are You Happy?

Given by David Jackson

Many of us have forgotten what it means or what it is like to be happy. The world, and all the challenges of life that we deal with, make it so difficult to just be happy. What does the Bible say are the keys or ingredients to happiness in the hope that we can all, during the day, week, month,...

1:06:00 Lessons From the Fool

Lessons From the Fool

Given by Dave Myers

What can we learn from the man named "Fool?"

1:04:52 What We Can Learn From Examples of Pride

What We Can Learn From Examples of Pride

Given by Ray Harris

Pride can destroy righteous character and godly relationships with brethren and God. Satan is the father of pride along with other things. In this sermon, we look how pride affected four of Judah's righteous kings and how we may avoid some of the effects of pride.

48:36 Thank You God for Me!

Thank You God for Me!

Given by Greg Sargent

Thanksgiving Day comes once a year but for most Americans the truth that pure thanks to God must be combined with humility. The key that results in thanks, praise and honor to man and God is humility. Pure humility is tested when we praise God but curse men who are made in God’s image.