Given by Ralph Levy
He was an outsider, with strange dress and diet and a genuine message from God that hadn’t been heard in about four centuries. The Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ at His first coming, and his example has much to teach us as we prepare the way for Christ at His second coming.
Given by John Foster
Continuation of the series on the canonization of the Bible- the period between the Old and New Testaments.
Given by David Jackson
One of the most difficult acts of love we can express towards another as human beings, particularly when we are really hurt by someone, or guilty of hurting someone, is forgiveness. Part 1 begins with defining what forgiveness is in the Old Testament (Hebrew), then moves on to the New Testament in Part 2. Part 1 and Part 2, analyze some of the more...
Given by Dave Myers
If vengeance feels so good, why is it wrong for us to give people what we think they deserve? Let's see what the scripture says about vengeance.
Given by Jason Hyde
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by Bruce Rivers
Given by Greg Sargent
This sermon answers 10 questions about anointing. For example, when should I ask to be anointed; what does God expect of us before He answers our prayer; what are the three reasons for disease; are we lacking faith if we are not healed in this life? And more!
Given by Brian Holman
From Creation to current day we see the evidence of God's Sabbath. The Sabbath was created to be sanctified and holy as a day to be observed as a delight on the 7th day of the week as noted at Creation, during the time of the Israelites, as observed by both Jesus and His Disciples and now today by His...