
1:00:45 Doing What?

Doing What?

Given by Dave Myers

Jesus said he would reward the faithful servant that, "when He comes, shall find so doing." What is it, exactly, that Christ expects us to be doing while we await His return?

1:09:27 Set Goals!

Set Goals!

Given by Doug Johnson

The society around us often speaks of “New Year’s resolutions.” Here’s a better idea…

59:12 The Goal of Righteousness

The Goal of Righteousness

Given by Greg Sargent

New Years in the world is their time to make resolutions. Our goal every day is to be in the Kingdom for which we pray to come soon. More so, our goal must be to be righteous, the most difficult endeavor any human being could have plus a goal of detailed requirements.

1:01:00 A Type of Him Who Was to Come

A Type of Him Who Was to Come

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:03:58 In The Beginning

In The Beginning

Given by Paul Carter

Where is the beginning in the Bible? What was there, at the start of all things? This message looks at the Beginnings.

1:01:45 The Importance of Doctrine

The Importance of Doctrine

Given by Mike Buchanan

After we are chosen by God, He begins to teach us His way of life. He teaches us who He is and why we were born on this earth. God has provided us solid sound doctrine as a foundation for us to build upon. True and sound doctrine only comes from the Father and is passed down to human beings....

50:12 A Servant of God

A Servant of God

Given by Dave Myers

Instructions a servant of God can take from lessons found in Matthew 24

48:05 Love vs Law?

Love vs Law?

Given by Ken Treybig

I recently spoke on HOPE. The WFW theme focused on FAITH, so it seemed appropriate for me to talk about love today. Paul’s statement in 1Cor 13 said that the greatest of faith, hope and love was love. So let’s talk about LOVE today—godly love—and it’s relationship to law. Are they contradictory?

39:06 The Beatitudes — Old Testament Origins

The Beatitudes — Old Testament Origins

Given by Hal Henderson

Split-Sermon Are the Beatitudes the manifesto of a clean break from a harsh, legalistic Old Testament religion, or evidence of the continuity of religious regimes from the Old Testament to the New?