
50:51 Build the House of God

Build the House of God

Given by Matt Pavlik

The Jewish captives who returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile started to rebuild the temple, but when they stopped building, God was upset. God’s house is important to Him. He’s given us a place in it. Are we neglecting it, or are we building it?

59:25 Five Views of Conversion

Five Views of Conversion

Given by Jeff Yost

Conversion from human to spiritual is not a small change. It is a total change of our human-focused way of life, to a godly spiritual-focused way of life. This message looks at five ways to consider the changes we need to make in our lives.

1:23:56 Forgiveness - Do You Need It? Do You Give it?, Part 2

Forgiveness - Do You Need It? Do You Give it?, Part 2

Given by David Jackson

The Greek word for forgive in the New Testament is Aphiemi. There is a lot to understand from this word. Does God expect us to forgive AND forget? Does God demand or require that you always forgive? What is the Bible’s answer to these questions, and what else can we learn regarding the spiritual act of forgiveness?

52:30 Where Are We in Prophecy?

Where Are We in Prophecy?

Given by Tim Foster

We are living in the most unique, unprecedented time period, even in the last 30 years, the last 0.5% of man's 6000 years on earth, we have met several more prerequisites for prophecy. Where are we in history?

1:05:25 Checking Our Anger

Checking Our Anger

Given by Nathan Willoughby

46:14 Preparing for the Marriage Supper, Part 1

Preparing for the Marriage Supper, Part 1

Given by Phil Sandilands

49:21 The Wonderful Names of Jesus Christ

The Wonderful Names of Jesus Christ

Given by Larry Neff

A deeper look at the name Jesus Christ and a few other names emphasizing His greatness. Example: “Despotes”—One with unlimited power and authority. Related to English word “despot.” There are bad despots but a few are good, namely Christ. We are to voluntarily submit to His authority.

52:29 Bible Study: Leviticus 26—5 Stages of God's Punishment

Bible Study: Leviticus 26—5 Stages of God's Punishment

Given by Michael Hanisko

31:59 Spiritual Laws That Change Your Life

Spiritual Laws That Change Your Life

Given by Michael Hanisko