Given by Tom Letellier
Given by Zach Smith
Given by Doug Johnson
Thanksgiving is not just a day. It’s an attitude—how’s yours?
Given by Don Henson
People aren’t naturally content – we’re always are looking for something else. God promises to satisfy all of our needs. As the Apostle Paul did, we can learn to lesson of being content.
Given by John Foster
There are many things that point to the fact that we are in the end times, but there are still a number of prophecies yet to take place.
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Greg Sargent
The mid-term elections have passed reminding us of how much God controls world events. Careful studies of U.S. elections plus the rise and fall of empires reveal God is very much involved in the rise and fall of kings and other influential leaders. God declares in advance the beginning and the end of events, not only with governments but...
Given by Paul Carter
Where does mankind stand on the prophetic scene. Where are you, in prophecy?
Given by Ken Treybig
Today let’s look at some of the reasons humans cannot stop fighting—from God’s perspective. President Reagan is quoted as saying, “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government IS the problem.” So even some humans seem to agree.