
1:12:27 Come Out of Her My People

Come Out of Her My People

Given by Matt Zollner

It is God's desire that His Holy people separate themselves from the sins of society and also not be deceived by the false teachings of established religions. This sermon reminds us of the coming revival of the false Babylonian religious system that will control much of the world's commerce and power. The Bible gives us guidance on how to prepare...

1:04:09 Post-Feast Challenge and Focus

Post-Feast Challenge and Focus

Given by Doug Johnson

What did you bring home with you from the Feast this year? How is our challenge in 2022 different from other years—or is it?

1:14:08 The Many Faces of Pride and Vanity - Part 1

The Many Faces of Pride and Vanity - Part 1

Given by Mark Winner

Our human nature generally makes us go easier on ourselves than we do on others. We can see flaws in others easier than we can see our own flaws; this helps to inflate our pride and vanity. Ultimately, we need to be seeking to see ourselves how God sees us.

1:08:03 Fix Your Face

Fix Your Face

Given by Zach Smith

1:01:07 Guard Against Pride

Guard Against Pride

Given by Don Henson

One of the most subtle and dangerous natural characteristics of human nature is pride. Scripture warns us of the dangers of pride and how we can overcome it

1:00:55 When the Earth Quakes

When the Earth Quakes

Given by Taylor Tootle

Earthquakes are unexpected and can cause catastrophic and long lasting damage. Some of our most severe trials can be likened to an earthquake where it feels like the earth is quaking. This sermon considers what to do when we go through severe trials.

59:03 Biblical Meditation

Biblical Meditation

Given by Robert Harvey

Meditation from a biblical perspective is as different from the world's view of meditation as night and day. This sermon goes through five questions (what, why, when, where, and on what) to expound on this vital aspect of our relationship with God.

1:07:41 Memory, Part 1: The Memory of God

Memory, Part 1: The Memory of God

Given by Rick Avent

58:14 Strengthen the Chain

Strengthen the Chain

Given by Bill Johnson

Are you strengthening the LINKS to your spiritual chain? We will have trials that will pull on your spiritual chain. Will you persevere? Will you develop Character? IF we do then we will have the hope of an everlasting future in the family of God.