
45:25 Training to Teach

Training to Teach

Given by Dave Myers

What qualities will be required of us as we begin to teach the nations once the Millennium begins?

55:02 Now I Know

Now I Know

Given by Zach Smith

1:02:28 Feed Me, I Need Your Thoughts

Feed Me, I Need Your Thoughts

Given by Greg Sargent

God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. When we think, we need a filter to separate the good from the bad. We are to capture every thought in order to judge right from wrong. Therefore, Christ told the apostles to feed His flock; with God’s word in our minds we have the filter needed to live by every Word...

52:58 Praise the Eternal

Praise the Eternal

Given by Roger Ellis

I’d like to encourage you to express your heartfelt personal praise and thanks to God for all He has done for you.

1:08:23 A Danger on the Path to Eternity

A Danger on the Path to Eternity

Given by Rick Avent

1:22:50 Sabbath Services October 22 2022

Sabbath Services October 22 2022

Given by David Jackson

In-person Sabbath Services were canceled on October 22, 2022, for the Miami and West Palm Beach Congregations. In its place, Mr. David Jackson provides a brief update on the Feast of Tabernacles in Kolkata, India, and Negombo, Sri Lanka, where he served this year. After Mr. Jackson's presentation is the sermon by Dr. Ralph Levy titled "The Greatest Miracle -- The...

38:42 Repairer of the Breach

Repairer of the Breach

Given by Tim Foster

On Atonement, Jesus is the Repairer of the Breach, the breach that Satan caused between God and Man. Jesus has become our Atonement high priest and will destroy the "works" of Satan.

48:48 The Uniqueness of Atonement

The Uniqueness of Atonement

Given by James Ellis

The Day of Atonement is very different from the other festivals. In this message we will review some unique aspects to this Holy Day and discuss why it is important to understand these things.

38:03 Who Is Satan?

Who Is Satan?

Given by Marty Miller

Many people are confused about what they believe about Satan the devil. Is he real or just a symbol of evil? What about you? Do you view him as a threat to your spiritual life? It is important that we periodically review what the Bible says about our adversary. Is he real? Why does he need to be put away?...