
50:47 The Times of Refreshing Are Coming!

The Times of Refreshing Are Coming!

Given by Doug Johnson

Atonement Service The Day of Atonement is different from all other festivals. Here’s the good news it has for us!

37:09 Two Goats, Atonement, and Reconciliation

Two Goats, Atonement, and Reconciliation

Given by Roger Ellis

In Leviticus chapter 16 we see the Old Testament Symbolism for the Day of Atonement and its part of the plan of salvation as God explains the meaning of it to ancient Israel. In Leviticus 16: it says, Aaron the high priest was to select 2 goats, one that represented Jesus Christ and the other goat… satan the devil. We understand the goat...

1:04:44 Return to God

Return to God

Given by Paul Carter

A message of reconciliation. Returning to God.

49:37 A Day of Opposites

A Day of Opposites

Given by Dave Myers

On this Day of Atonement we contrast the very sad reality of today with what the future truly holds.

51:54 The Jubilee and Day of Atonement

The Jubilee and Day of Atonement

Given by John Foster

A Jubilee year was announced once every 50 years on the Day of Atonement. There is much meaning with what was to take place during the Jubilee year and what the Day of Atonement pictures.

57:11 Atonement 2022

Atonement 2022

Given by Phil Sandilands

1:01:41 Self-Examination In the Fall?

Self-Examination In the Fall?

Given by Zach Smith

56:16 Mind the Gap from Trumpets to Tabernacles; Synopsis

Mind the Gap from Trumpets to Tabernacles; Synopsis

Given by Doug Johnson

What does the spacing of the fall festivals tell us?

57:56 God Is Preparing Us to Rule in the Kingdom

God Is Preparing Us to Rule in the Kingdom

Given by Greg Sargent

The vocation we have in this life may have very little to do with ruling in God's Kingdom. Whether we feel capable or not, God will give us the gifts and the power to rule. Our responsibility in preparing to rule is to overcome and develop the agape love and self-control to be qualified to rule.