Given by Mark Winner
It helps to have a packing list, so we don’t forget important things. We must be on guard for distractions. We must practice temperance in all things, use etiquette and respect others. Make it more Feast than vacation.
Given by Mark Whynaucht
What a gigantic job we will have in restoring the truth to a deceived world. Truly Satan the devil has deceived the whole inhabited earth. This season, as we enter into it, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day, pictures the beginning of re-education. How blessed we are of having the knowledge of God’s truth.
Given by Chad Messerly
Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#8) - 1 Samuel 25-26
Given by Clyde Kilough
The Bible talks about the “chosen people.” What exactly does that mean? How is one to think about that? How should that affect one’s life?
Given by Ralph Levy
Many members of the Church came into contact with our faith via a person, and not via a publication. In that sense we can influence others and be the starting point for them to become converted. How and when should we answer for our faith?
Given by David Johnson
Through the Church, God gives us tools for Christian growth. This is good—but tools cannot accomplish any work unless they are used. Foundation Institute is one such tool. Can FI help you build a spiritual foundation that will give genuine, lasting value to your life?
Given by Joel Meeker
Salt is vital for our lives. The Bible uses salt to teach several spiritual lessons.
Given by Jerry Rehor
Given by Michael Hanisko