
58:07 By This All Shall Know

By This All Shall Know

Given by Doug Johnson

In John 13:35, Jesus identified the most direct and straightforward way people around us can know Who and what we stand for. Do you know what it is, and how to practice it?

1:03:10 The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

Given by Taylor Tootle

A look at what Matthew 5:5 means for us now. We are to live our lives with meekness now and will rule with meekness during the millennium along side Christ.

58:41 Five Lessons From the Book of Nahum

Five Lessons From the Book of Nahum

Given by Jeff Yost

The book of Nahum is like the book of Jonah part two. In the book of Jonah, the people of Nineveh repented. The book of Nahum describes the prophecy against Nineveh for their evil deeds.

40:33 Vision of the World Tomorrow

Vision of the World Tomorrow

Given by Pat Sinon

55:03 The Walls Are Coming Down

The Walls Are Coming Down

Given by Dave Pennington

59:39 The Joy of Government

The Joy of Government

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:07:21 Jesus Christ, the Model of Godly Love

Jesus Christ, the Model of Godly Love

Given by Mark Whynaucht

There are some very painful days ahead so that all mankind can learn once and for all that true Godly love will never tolerate that which is evil. When we hear of Godly love, there must never be a missing dimension for us. If we want to have the mind of Jesus Christ in us, we too must make sure...

46:05 Prepare For Christ's Return

Prepare For Christ's Return

Given by Ray Harris

To help us prepare for the final trumpet, our resurrection to spirit life and Christ's return, we should think about three things - Beware of Disbelief, Prepare to Shine As Lights, and Have a True Vision of the Future. These three things are covered in more detail in this split-sermon so that we may better focus on the return of...

36:59 The Feast of Trumpets, A Wedding Like No Other

The Feast of Trumpets, A Wedding Like No Other

Given by Brent Martin

As we study the events surrounding the Feast of Trumpets and the return of Christ, there are a lot of topics that often draw our attention. However, there is one topic, the marriage of Christ to the Church, that doesn't always seem to get the attention it deserves. In this sermon, we will be looking at this wedding in greater...