
1:03:45 Prophecy Part 4: The Day of the Lord

Prophecy Part 4: The Day of the Lord

Given by Ron Kelley

The prophecies covering the final year of the age of Man’s rule as God intervenes and establishes the reign of Jesus Christ: The Beginning of Eternity.

59:52 The Blowing of Trumpets

The Blowing of Trumpets

Given by Phil Sandilands

1:04:00 The War Chronicles of Israel Part 8 - The Final Chapter - Almost!

The War Chronicles of Israel Part 8 - The Final Chapter - Almost!

Given by Rick Avent

56:42 A Stunning Rescue

A Stunning Rescue

Given by Doug Johnson

On rare occasions, human beings can be capable of selfless acts of heroism, snatching others from certain death in perilous situations. The entire human family is in such a situation now, whether it’s recognized or not. Who will rescue us from ourselves? This annual festival has the answer!

57:48 Watch


Given by Nathan Willoughby

1:02:07 The Three Resurrections

The Three Resurrections

Given by Paul Carter

God has a plan that He is fulfilling on this earth. He wants a relatiosnhip with all of His creation, and calls them to Himself... But each in His own order. What is the order of the resurrections? Can we see the differences clearly in scripture?

52:25 God's Limitless Universe - Can You Imagine?

God's Limitless Universe - Can You Imagine?

Given by Phil Sandilands

1:13:21 Prophecy Part 3: Beasts, Tribulation, and Hope

Prophecy Part 3: Beasts, Tribulation, and Hope

Given by Ron Kelley

This sermon explains the symbols of the beasts and horns, a description of the Great Tribulation, and a final message of hope to the world.”

1:02:25 Jesus Christ Has “Unfinished Business”

Jesus Christ Has “Unfinished Business”

Given by Doug Johnson

Have you ever had a long-term goal tht you finally accomplished? Did that give great satisfaction and a sense of time well spent? Have you ever thought that Jesus Christ Himself has "unfinished business" that will necessitate His coming to this earth a second time?