
56:10 Satan’s Rule Will Come To An End

Satan’s Rule Will Come To An End

Given by Mark Winner

The Day of Atonement highlights the removal of Satan's influence for a thousand years, the importance of fasting and humility, and the need to resist deception and remain steadfast in faith to be truly at one with God.

50:44 The Day of Atonement

The Day of Atonement

Given by Paul Carter

What does the Day of Atonement mean? ...Then and Now?

58:55 The Enemy Is Conquered

The Enemy Is Conquered

Given by Ron Kelley

This Day pictures the day when the Ultimate Enemy of all Mankind will be completely and totally conquered and imprisoned for a thousand years.

1:02:14 What Will The Millennium Be Like Without Satan?

What Will The Millennium Be Like Without Satan?

Given by Rick Avent

45:43 Lessons From the Day of Atonement

Lessons From the Day of Atonement

Given by Doug Horchak

The Day of Atonement brings many lessons. In this message we discuss three takeaways: 1) understanding the influence of Satan, 2) realizing this world is truly held captive and 3) recognizing the importance of analyzing ourselves.

1:00:47 Removing the Veil

Removing the Veil

Given by Don Henson

When Jesus returns He will remove the “veil”—the deception of Satan which prevents people from being able to have spiritual understanding.

1:04:27 Being a Light in a Dark World

Being a Light in a Dark World

Given by Jim Franks

Members around the world have a story to tell about their lives and how God called them. It is inspiring to hear these stories and see how the life and example of one person can affect the lives of so many others. Paul wrote to the Philippians and encouraged them to “shine as lights in the world.”

51:30 Je Suis Prest!

Je Suis Prest!

Given by Jason Hyde

1:02:01 Grounded and Steadfast

Grounded and Steadfast

Given by Paul Carter

Are you solid? Secure in God's way of life? Are you Grounded and Steadfast?