
1:09:17 Passover - David, Bathsheba and an Innocent Child

Passover - David, Bathsheba and an Innocent Child

Given by Bruce Gore

Passover commemorates how our sins were forgiven. King David’s adultery with Bathsheba produced an innocent child. However, David repented and God forgave him.

55:49 Is There Anyone We Have Not Forgiven?

Is There Anyone We Have Not Forgiven?

Given by Mark Whynaucht

Truly forgiving someone does not mean we will instantly forget, but we do forget things by not thinking about them. God forgave us after we truly repented, and our sins are erased from His memory. Isn’t it time for us to forgive and forget.

1:07:14 These Are the Best of Time

These Are the Best of Time

Given by Tom Schultz

58:49 Sound of Heart

Sound of Heart

Given by Eric Koester

55:58 The Unity of Passover

The Unity of Passover

Given by Jon Pinelli

Once a year we partake of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. But there is more to Passover than just partaking of the New Testament Passover symbols. We picture the unity of the entire body of Christ. This message explains this understanding.

56:05 Friendship


Given by Tim Foster

As a precursor to the Passover footwashing, what is friendship, what does it mean to be a friend of Jesus, and what obligation do we have to human friendships?

50:21 Bible Study: 4 Commitments for Passover

Bible Study: 4 Commitments for Passover

Given by Michael Hanisko

57:07 Watch and Pray Always

Watch and Pray Always

Given by Jim Franks

With 50 countries holding elections in 2024, this promises to be a remarkable year on the geopolitical landscape. Almost 40 percent of the world’s population could vote for new leadership. Christ tells us that we should watch and pray. That admonition is important for us today.

59:38 The Sabbath Day in Light of the Passover

The Sabbath Day in Light of the Passover

Given by Dave Pennington