
53:49 The Fear of God Is the Beginning of Wisdom

The Fear of God Is the Beginning of Wisdom

Given by Mark Whynaucht

We learn human fear of physical consequences. We learn, to fear God, and to see the end result of sin and righteousness. And we learn to fear God in reverence, to love Him with our whole being. The fear of God can take us from a fear that the children of Israel had, to a place where we grow in...

1:12:57 At The Feet of Jesus Christ

At The Feet of Jesus Christ

Given by David Jackson

Can you, do you, will you identify with the harlot—who was among the “forgiven much,” and therefore “love much?” Or in your heart of hearts, are you more like Simon—among the “forgiven little” who “love little?” Let's take a close look at Luke 7:36-50 and glean a spiritual lesson, for we—whether we realize it or not—must...

40:48 Walking in Newness of Life

Walking in Newness of Life

Given by John Trotter

As the Days of Unleavened Bread draw to a close, let's continue to focus on our spiritual journey, continue putting sin out of our lives, and walking in newness of life spiritually.

47:40 Avoiding Spiritual Shipwreck

Avoiding Spiritual Shipwreck

Given by Ken Treybig

Today I want to talk about lessons we can draw from the tragedy of the RMS Titanic. There were a number of critical mistakes that led to the disaster, and DUB reminds us how sin can make us suffer spiritual shipwreck unless we root it out of life.

1:04:40 Promises


Given by Taylor Tootle

Promises are gifts given and recieved. God has made promises and is faithful to fulfill them in times past, now, and in the time to come. How faithful are we to keep the promises we make to God and others?

1:01:55 The Commitment of Christ

The Commitment of Christ

Given by Ron Kelley

It’s a process God puts us through each year to remind us of our commitment to putting sin out of our lives and living as Christ would. Let’s do that this year. Study the life of Christ. Ask yourself, “What would Christ do? How would He react” Then react the same way.

49:53 A Lesson from the Days of Unleavened Bread

A Lesson from the Days of Unleavened Bread

Given by Ray Harris

When Israel left Egypt, some carried with them household idols despite all their interactions with God. When we were called and left the world, we carried an idol with us - ourselves with our natural mind. This split-sermon discusses how this occurs and how we can become more aware of it and stay clear of idolatry.

1:04:03 The Captain of Our Salvation

The Captain of Our Salvation

Given by Don Henson

The importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ—He is the author and finisher of our faith and is leading us to salvation.

34:35 The Purpose for Which Christ Was Sent - To Take Away Sin from the World

The Purpose for Which Christ Was Sent - To Take Away Sin from the World

Given by Brent Martin

Christ came to this earth to preach the coming Kingdom of God. However, along with the message that he was sent to preach, there was also a specific purpose for which He was sent. This sermon examines this purpose in detail and shows how it was fulfilled