
1:00:07 Meditations on Israel’s Example

Meditations on Israel’s Example

Given by Doug Johnson

Where do we start? There are so many connections from 1 Corinthians 10, Deuteronomy 8, Matthew 4, Deuteronomy 10, James 1, Galatians 5…let’s think about it some with this sermon.

55:56 The Journey-Mile Markers

The Journey-Mile Markers

Given by Scott Hammer

Lessons we can learn for our spiritual journey from the physical journey of ancient Israel.

1:08:55 Look at Sin as God Does

Look at Sin as God Does

Given by Ron Kelley

This sermon will analyze this statement “we should learn to look at sin as God does and strive with His help to avoid it at all costs”.

58:40 The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth

The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth

Given by Don Henson

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 5 that we are to keep the feast of UB with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. What are the qualities of sincerity and truth and how do they replace the leaven of malice and wickedness?

1:11:44 Are You Ruling Over Sin

Are You Ruling Over Sin

Given by Paul Carter

Sin has been forgiven, Sin has been "put out" ... but are you "ruling over" sin?

40:13 For God So Loved the World

For God So Loved the World

Given by Greg Sargent

By far the biggest lesson to learn when keeping the Passover is: God loves all people in this world. God IS love. He is not willing that anyone should perish. When we examine ourselves before the Passover to determine if Christ is in us (2 Cor. 13:5), do we remember Christ died for the whole world; if we were Christ, would we...

40:41 Keys to Prove the Old Testament Passover Was on the 14th

Keys to Prove the Old Testament Passover Was on the 14th

Given by Greg Sargent

The New Testament and Old Testament Passovers were both kept on the 14th day of the first month of God’s sacred calendar. Many believe the Passover in Egypt was kept on the 15th. This sermon gives four keys to prove the 14th was kept: the Passover was a day, a sacrifice, the twilight period just after sunset and very...

53:35 Fundamental Beliefs: Three Days and Three Nights

Fundamental Beliefs: Three Days and Three Nights

Given by Phil Sandilands

57:47 A Purchased Possession

A Purchased Possession

Given by Paul Carter

What does it mean to be bought with a price? What did circumcission mean in the Old Testament,,,and the New Testament? Are you truly a purchased ossession?