
Enter Into the Joy of Your Lord

Enter Into the Joy of Your Lord

Given by Joel Meeker

In these troubling times, we could all use more joy in our lives. God offers us joy in this life, and the promise of eternal joy in the life to come.

Anger Leads to Destruction and Heartache

Given by Mark Winner

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone.  It would be fair to say it has been a year in which greater levels of anger have been exposed.  So how are we supposed to deal with it?  What do we need to know to keep anger from consuming us?

Beloved, Test the Spirits

Beloved, Test the Spirits

Given by David Johnson

When the apostle John told the brethren to "test the spirits whether they are of God," he was writing to a church much like the church today. A close study shows us he was not talking primarily about spirit beings but about attitudes. Christians are admonished to make sure the attitudes they are receiving are really godly. How do we do that? More important, are we doing that or just opening ourselves to anything?

The Greatest Gift

Given by Dave Myers

What is the greatest gift one could receive? In this sermon we will cover the requirements for receiving what the Bible calls the heavenly gift, the unspeakable gift and the gift of God.

Pentecost: Resetting Priorities

Pentecost: Resetting Priorities

Given by Jim Franks

Each year, through the annual festivals, we are reminded of our priorities as Christians. On Pentecost we focus on the coming of the Holy Spirit and the importance of the Church in our lives.

Life, Hope and Truth … and Pentecost

Life, Hope and Truth … and Pentecost

Given by Clyde Kilough

How we came to the name for our website is very interesting, but what Pentecost means for life, hope and truth in our lives is miraculous.

Take a Step Back

Take a Step Back

Given by Doug Horchak

During this unprecedented pandemic—and the global uncertainty, fear, death and chaos it is causing—we need to react from God’s perspective, not man’s. Let’s take a step back and consider whose world this currently is (Satan’s) and whose people we are (God’s).

Thy Kingdom Come–Really?

Thy Kingdom Come–Really?

Given by Andy Burnett

During the uncertainty and frustration that accompany the present pandemic, are we centered in our focus as God’s people? This message addresses how we as God’s people can get off-kilter if we are not on guard to Satan’s ploys and our human nature.

These Words Shall Be in Your Heart

These Words Shall Be in Your Heart

Given by Joel Meeker

Modern society is transitioning from a text-orientation to an image-orientation. How should a Christian consider this? How important should reading be to us? How should we communicate online? Answers to these questions are all related, and guiding principles are found in the Bible.