Given by David Johnson
The Israelites didn’t take the route they expected when leaving Egypt. How about us? Are we taking the lessons of Unleavened Bread with us as we head toward Pentecost? Are we still taking in the mind of Christ—the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth? Or has the world begun to leaven our thinking?
Given by Jim Franks
Fear is a natural human emotion. There are circumstances when having fear is not only good, but warranted. It is when fear paralyzes us and prevents us from following God or hinders our relationship with God that it must be overcome. The example of the prophet Elijah and the “still small voice” that directed him when he was overwhelmed with fear provides us insight into dealing with our fears, even when they’re justified.
Given by Britton Taylor
God said He would build His Church. As individuals, we have a responsibility to fit within the structure of the Church so that the Church can accomplish the work God has set before us.
Given by Andy Burnett
In Romans 6-8 the apostle Paul addresses an aspect of the spiritual battle waged in our lives between our human nature and God’s divine nature, which He places in us.
Given by Joel Meeker
Does Covid-19 fit somewhere in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Where? What should we look for in the future? Here are some answers from the Bible.
Given by Doug Horchak
Last Day of Unleavened Bread Sermon
Given by Clyde Kilough
On the Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread in A.D. 31, the disciples did not comprehend that in just a few hours, around sundown, one of the greatest events in history would occur and change their lives forever. It has changed ours as well. What is the significance of Christ’s resurrection, and how does it relate to lessons for this Feast?
Given by Jim Franks
First Day of Unleavened Bread Sermon
Given by Andy Burnett
As we prepare for the Passover in 2020 during very interesting times, consider these two thoughts and an overriding key that apply to both Passover and our daily lives.