
A Matter of the Heart

A Matter of the Heart

Given by Ralph Levy

The Bible often refers to our hearts as the seat of our intent, which governs our life as Christians. What does this mean? And how should we Christians maintain a right heart before God?

Being a Light in a Dark World

Being a Light in a Dark World

Given by Jim Franks

Members around the world have a story to tell about their lives and how God called them. It is inspiring to hear these stories and see how the life and example of one person can affect the lives of so many others. Paul wrote to the Philippians and encouraged them to “shine as lights in the world.”

The Chosen and the Choosers, the Choices and the Consequences

The Chosen and the Choosers, the Choices and the Consequences

Given by Clyde Kilough

The Bible talks about the “chosen people.” What exactly does that mean? How is one to think about that? How should that affect one’s life?

Be an Influencer

Be an Influencer

Given by Ralph Levy

Many members of the Church came into contact with our faith via a person, and not via a publication. In that sense we can influence others and be the starting point for them to become converted. How and when should we answer for our faith?

Dust in the Wind

Dust in the Wind

Given by David Johnson

Through the Church, God gives us tools for Christian growth. This is good—but tools cannot accomplish any work unless they are used. Foundation Institute is one such tool.  Can FI help you build a spiritual foundation that will give genuine, lasting value to your life?

A Covenant of Salt

A Covenant of Salt

Given by Joel Meeker

Salt is vital for our lives. The Bible uses salt to teach several spiritual lessons.

Our Founding Fathers

Our Founding Fathers

Given by Jim Franks

The founding fathers of the United States were men who were willing to sacrifice for their goal of independence. The apostles who were involved in the founding of the New Testament Church were also willing to sacrifice. All but John died as martyrs.

Israel’s Five Sins

Israel’s Five Sins

Given by Dave Myers

The apostle Paul identifies five sins Israel fell prey to as they trekked toward the Promised Land, and he said they were recorded for our learning. What are these sins which we must be on guard against?

Finish the Job

Finish the Job

Given by Jim Franks

Staying faithful to God and His truth to the end is a wonderful thing. We all must be committed to finishing the job—however long it may take. My own mother was called at the age of 21 and remained faithful until her death at the age of 94. Faithfulness and endurance are key ingredients for Christians.