
Europe: The Sleeping Giant

Europe: The Sleeping Giant

Given by Ralph Levy

Long dormant, Europe will shortly awaken in an alliance of religious and political forces. When this happens, it will shock the world. This alliance will precede the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Take This Yoke

Take This Yoke

Given by Dave Myers

The Bible uses the word “yoke” many times. Some uses are very positive, but some are quite negative. Since everyone is under the yoke, we must ask, who holds the reins of your yoke?

The Seven Elements of the Family Zone

The Seven Elements of the Family Zone

Given by Clyde Kilough

“The zone” was a term we once used to describe the environment we wanted to create for our kids at camp. It created a prime atmosphere for them to be responsive to God’s teaching and way of life. But it’s not just for camp—the seven elements of “the zone” work in families too.

The Substance of Things Hoped For

The Substance of Things Hoped For

Given by David Johnson

Faith is obviously one of the central tenets of Christianity, but how would we define faith? Is our definition God’s definition? God’s amazing interventions can encourage faith, but how do we have genuine faith during those times when God is silent? Or when His answer is not the one we want?

Pray for an Hour

Pray for an Hour

Given by Ralph Levy

At times it is hard to pray. We may run out of words, and other activities seem to come in and push prayer out of the way. How may we find keys to effective, heartfelt prayer? This sermon presents some practical suggestions for effective prayer.

Acres of Diamonds

Acres of Diamonds

Given by Jim Franks

We preach the gospel to the world, but what are we doing to develop our young people who sit among us each and every Sabbath? A classic story illustrates this case. God describes His children as jewels that need to be polished and refined. Our young people are like that. What should we do to help them?

The Fear of God: What You Need to Know

The Fear of God: What You Need to Know

Given by David Johnson

Scripture repeatedly tells us we are to fear God, but what does that mean? How can we fear God and love God at the same time? And how would the proper fear of God affect the way we live? Finally, why does God instruct us to fear Him for our good?

The Truth Heals

The Truth Heals

Given by Clyde Kilough

As we examine ourselves to prepare for the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, one of our greatest challenges is to see the truth about ourselves. Each of us has a relationship with truth, and a healthy relationship helps us heal spiritually.

Watch and Pray Always

Watch and Pray Always

Given by Jim Franks

With 50 countries holding elections in 2024, this promises to be a remarkable year on the geopolitical landscape. Almost 40 percent of the world’s population could vote for new leadership. Christ tells us that we should watch and pray. That admonition is important for us today.