
Living Smart, Living Sane

Living Smart, Living Sane

Given by Clyde Kilough

When you think about it, sinning is not very smart! In fact, it’s crazy to sin. Look at all the trouble it causes. God shows us how to live smart and sane in a world going the other way.

When the Student Becomes the Teacher

When the Student Becomes the Teacher

Given by Jim Franks

Our goal at Foundation Institute is to train students in the Word of God.  The Bible refers to a time when we should be teachers.  Our goal is the same for all Church members—that we become teachers of God’s Word and not just students.

Stand to Your Post

Stand to Your Post

Given by Joel Meeker

A relatively unknown American ambassador set a fine example of something Christians are called to do: He remained at his post and did his duty in very trying circumstances. What can we learn from his example?

Is Christ God?

Is Christ God?

Given by Leon Walker

The Scriptures prove clearly that Jesus Christ is an eternal being who has always existed. He was not created. He, along with His Father, is God. At the present time, there are two beings in the one and only true God—God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

10 of the Most Important Bible Passages for Teens

10 of the Most Important Bible Passages for Teens

Given by Joel Meeker

These important passages contain vital information that helps teens have a more successful and more joyful life.

If We Preach Not the Gospel

If We Preach Not the Gospel

Given by Ralph Levy

What is the gospel? Does the Church have the responsibility to preach this message of hope to the world? What is the responsibility of each member of the Church in the preaching of the message?

The Other Sign of Jonah

The Other Sign of Jonah

Given by Britton Taylor

When God alters the physical by His sprirt, a miracle has occurred. This sermon explores the role of miracles in a Christian's life.

Real Value of Gratitude

Real Value of Gratitude

Given by Doug Horchak

Gratitude, or thankfulness, is addressed much by God in His Word, but how important is it, really? Mankind has learned the essential nature of a grateful approach to life, and Scripture shows how needful appreciation and gratitude are in the life of a Christian.

Take Heed of Covetousness

Take Heed of Covetousness

Given by David Johnson

Most people give little thought to the problem of covetousness, but it is one of the 10 fundamental rules God gave. Why would my private thoughts be so important? Jesus told His disciples to “take heed of covetousness.” Could I be overlooking this problem in my life? And if so, what can I do about it?