
49:34 The Genuineness of Your Faith

The Genuineness of Your Faith

Given by Ken Treybig

What is the “genuineness of faith” that Peter writes about in 1Pet 1:7? How can faith NOT be genuine? What does non-genuine faith look like? Does God give is any examples in the Bible for us to analyze and learn from so we know what we need to do?

52:09 What Is Our Perspective?

What Is Our Perspective?

Given by Drew Tranquada

Why does one's perspective matter? What perspective ought a Christian have? The sermon compares a physically minded point of view as opposed to a spiritually minded one. We are reminded and exhorted on the importance of having God's perspective.

1:18:15 Being Responsible - Something God Expects of Us

Being Responsible - Something God Expects of Us

Given by Mark Winner

We live in times of stress. What does that mean for us? It doesn't mean we can make an excuse not to do what God instructs us to do. We must still take responsibility for how we think and act. A Christian is to be a man or woman of tremendous responsibility.

1:10:26 What’s God’s View of Our Relationship with Him?

What’s God’s View of Our Relationship with Him?

Given by Doug Johnson

We probably all have a general sense of how close we are to God. But more to the point—what’s HIS view?

1:11:00 Fundamentals of Tithing

Fundamentals of Tithing

Given by Ron Kelley

This sermon is a review of our fundamental belief of tithing. How can we prove it is commanded by God today and how do you answer those who attempt to prove the Law of tithing is obsolete?

57:06 Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#4) - 1 Samuel 14-16

Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#4) - 1 Samuel 14-16

Given by Don Henson

Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#4) - 1 Samuel 14-16

51:10 How Do We Respond to Trials

How Do We Respond to Trials

Given by Marty Miller

Trials are part of our Christian walk. What is our attitude towards them and towards God? What do we think and what do we do as a result of the trials we go through? And how does that align with what the Bible says?

58:53 He Gets Us... But Do We Get Him

He Gets Us... But Do We Get Him

Given by Jon Pinelli

God gets us...but do we really get Him? Mr. Pinelli goes through how Christ behaved when he was here and how we are expected to change.

46:58 Is God Fair?

Is God Fair?

Given by David Gatley

God has been incredibly merciful to mankind and yet man has continued to doubt His fairness.