
1:05:19 The 10th Commandment: Covetousness vs. Contentment

The 10th Commandment: Covetousness vs. Contentment

Given by Zach Smith

52:46 Living a Christian Life Every Day

Living a Christian Life Every Day

Given by Greg Sargent

What must you do every day to be a successful Christian? To be healthy in this physical life, we know we must breath air, drink water and eat nourishing food. Living as a Christian is no different. If we are to be a successful Christian, there are several spiritual items we should perform every day.

52:45 Hurry, and Wait!

Hurry, and Wait!

Given by Drew Tranquada

Our Christian walk requires a sense of urgency ("hurry") and patience in God's timing ("wait"). This sermon discusses how we are to hurry and wait as well as the importance of each.

56:42 Drop the Mic Lines from the Bible

Drop the Mic Lines from the Bible

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

The bible contains many verses that make us pay attention to what God says to us. Some are very dramatic. We visit a few of these statements today.

1:10:00 On a Collision Course with the Pharisees

On a Collision Course with the Pharisees

Given by Doug Johnson

Christ’s greatest critics were the Jewish religious leaders of His day. What were those confrontations like?

40:44 Passover: The Pearl of God's Feasts

Passover: The Pearl of God's Feasts

Given by Ken Treybig

As we draw closer to the start of God’s annual festival cycle, I can’t help but think about the connection between the pearl of great price and the value of Passover—the start and the core of God’s plan of salvation. Let’s look at some of those connections today.

55:33 Faith Is the Beginning of Everything

Faith Is the Beginning of Everything

Given by Mark Whynaucht

Shouldn’t you consider, before taking the Passover, your faults in terms of the lack of faith. Or the times you have neglected or forgotten what God has expanded to you, and made available for your future? It is awesome beyond belief, and we need to repent of failing to remember it, and treating it with neglect, and treating His...

58:27 Counting the Cost

Counting the Cost

Given by Ron Kelley

During baptism counseling we discuss what it means to “count the cost”. If you are preparing for baptism, how do you do that? If you’ve been baptized for years, are you still counting the cost? As Passover approaches, let’s review exactly what this means to us personally.

56:39 Holy and Blameless Through Jesus Christ

Holy and Blameless Through Jesus Christ

Given by Don Henson

A review of Colossians 1, which Paul wrote to refute Gnostic teachings and emphasize the supremacy of God the Father and Jesus Christ and the importance of His sacrifice.