
45:39 Money, Finances, God and You-Pt 1

Money, Finances, God and You-Pt 1

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Two current views on how man thinks about his relationship to God through the medium of money. To be continued.

46:47 Have You Learned to Walk Yet-Part 2

Have You Learned to Walk Yet-Part 2

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

"We continue our review of walking by faith, not sight, and the spiritual results of doing so."

54:32 How the Church is to Function

How the Church is to Function

Given by David Treybig

This sermon discusses relationships within the Church, including members and God, pastors and members, and members and members.

1:08:02 Have You Learned to Walk Yet-Part 1

Have You Learned to Walk Yet-Part 1

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Christians are to walk a certain way, and not another way. They are to walk by faith, not by sight. We review what the Bible reveals about why faith is a better way to walk than sight, and what the results, or fruits are, of walking by faith. Part 1.

59:38 Jeremiah's Call to Return

Jeremiah's Call to Return

Given by Chris Moen

A main message of Jeremiah was the same to his nation of Judah as it is to the nations of the world today. It’s a message of repentance and of a return to proper faith and obedience toward God.

1:09:02 The Many Faces of Pride-and-Vanity-Part 2

The Many Faces of Pride-and-Vanity-Part 2

Given by Mark Winner

One of the most consistent battles every human being faces is the battle against vanity yet most people do not realize that it has many faces. What does that mean? It means that pride and vanity shows in a variety of ways, many of which are rarely seen.

57:04 Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Given by David Treybig

The traditional roles for men and women have been described by some as archaic. Evangelical feminists argue that since there is neither male nor female in Christ, there are no gender roles or limitations. Here are five key principles that provide an overview of the Bible's teaching on this subject.

59:20 Lessons from the Life of Timothy-Part 3

Lessons from the Life of Timothy-Part 3

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Third and last part of the series on the life and ministry of Timothy, and lessons for us.

1:08:11 And Now It Begins

And Now It Begins

Given by Jim Franks

God is involved in the greatest building project ever, the construction of a spiritual house, which is His family—the Church. We can have a part in that project both as a part of the structure and by helping others become a part as well. We have some ambitious organizational goals for 2012 to assist in that project, but to bear...