Given by Jon Pinelli
We explore the important distinction between serving, and choosing to be a servant. (Given 4/9/2011)
Given by James Capo
Had the Father truly and completely forsaken Christ, as He hung on the sake, apparently alone? Or, is there more to understand -- from His statement, "Why have You forsaken me?" (Given 4/19/2011)
Given by Dan Anderson
We examine the Biblical definitions of sin, and both the wrong and right ways to react to the sins in our lives. (Given 3/19/2011)
Given by Tom Kirkpatrick
We explore the Biblical answer to the question of why the eternal God created mankind.
Given by Jon Pinelli
What does it mean to be ʺspiritual?ʺ How do we gauge whether or not we are spiritual?
Given by Tom Clark
God’s Name represents all that He is – His character, His office, His sovereignty, so how we treat His Name is very important. Yet all around us we hear people taking God’s Name in vain even in casual conversation.
Given by Paul Carter
More difficult times may be just ahead of us. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"...but how? What does it mean to have a strong mental frame of mind? What does God's Word have to say about the different state of mind that man can find himself in? In this message we will use God's...
Given by Tom Kirkpatrick
We study the life of Elijah to learn the lessons God taught him, and what lessons can be learned by those who may be doing a similar work in modern times.
Given by Paul Carter
The first step to becoming a Christian is answering the call of God. The scriptures reveal that God's calling inclines one's mind to believe and desire to change, but not everyone responds the same way. The parable of the sower illustrates different responses to the word of God that people may have when their minds are opened to receive the...