
54:51 Recognize, Repent and Remove-Part 1

Recognize, Repent and Remove-Part 1

Given by Dave Myers

The first step in being rescued from the certain death that sin brings is to recognize what sin is.

49:57 To Be a Living Sacrifice

To Be a Living Sacrifice

Given by James Capo

What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? What is circumcision of the heart? This pre-Passover message examines these questions. (given 4/9/2011)

1:18:02 Let a Man Examine Himself-Part 2

Let a Man Examine Himself-Part 2

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Prior to the Passover we're told to examine ourselves. What are we to examine and how? (given 4/16/2011)

57:59 The Wave Sheaf Offering

The Wave Sheaf Offering

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

What is the symbolism of the wave sheaf offering, and what does it mean for us? (Given 4/23/2011)

1:02:32 And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

Given by Jon Pinelli

The fall of Jericho on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread carries vital spiritual principles for us. (Given 4/25/2011)

1:05:11 Works of the Flesh-Part 1

Works of the Flesh-Part 1

Given by Paul Carter

The news can be very discouraging as we see the world spiraling out of control. What is the cause of man's troubles? What are the works that mankind produces, that can bring him to unthinkable positions? The "Works of the Flesh" are listed for us in Galatians 5:19-21. Verse 19 tells us that they are made manifest (evident, or...

58:19 Why We Keep the Night to be Much Observed

Why We Keep the Night to be Much Observed

Given by Ron Kelley

Lessons we learn from keeping the Night To Be Much Observed. (Given 4/16/2011)

58:02 Wandering in the Wilderness of Sin

Wandering in the Wilderness of Sin

Given by Jon Pinelli

After crossing the Red Sea, Israel thought all of their problems were solved. They forgot that they were wandering in the wilderness of sin. (Given 4/25/2011)

56:06 Is Sin Dead?

Is Sin Dead?

Given by Tom Clark

How does the average American view sin? Most do not know how to define it or what sin really is. The Bible clearly reveals the absolutes as to what sin is. (Given 3/26/2011)